Launch Project
aug - sep 2020
Six powerful podcasts as a start
to get to know Texas, India, a multicultural island, Nigeria, Germany, Kosovo, Spain and Greece
and their amazing story-tellers.
And to listen to some great Italian music.
Kendall Bousquet
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Kendall Bousquet
Luogo: Belfast, Irlanda del Nord
From Texas to Northern Ireland. To study social justice and conflict transformation. To better fight domestic violence, gender violence and race violence. To empower the future leaders of the BAME community. To inspire them to realise their projects, to get ready to action, to dream big. Meet Kendall Bousquet, a key-supporter of Radio VIBE.
Dal Texas all'Irlanda del Nord. Per studiare la giustizia sociale e la trasformazione dei conflitti. Per combattere meglio la violenza domestica, la violenza di genere e la violenza di razza. Per responsabilizzare i futuri leader della comunità BAME. Per ispirarli a realizzare i loro progetti, a prepararsi all'azione, a sognare in grande. Incontriamo Kendall Bousquet, grande sostenitrice di Radio VIBE.
Music | Musica:
"Serenata Napulitana"
Sung and played by Luigi Cirillo
A classic of the rich Neapolitan tradition, Serenata Napulitana was written by the great poet Salvatore di Giacomo. This tune was chosen as a present to Kendall, given her love for Naples.
Memorable sentence
“There’s a lot of potential out there that is waiting to be realised and just needs resources put towards capacity building at a grassroot level.”
Frase memorabile
“C’è molto potenziale umano che ha solo bisogno di un’opportunità per realizzarsi, di avere delle risorse per rafforzare le proprie capacità."
Recommendation to Radio VIBERS
Celebrate interviewees’ diversity, connections with Italy, non-conventional points of view.
Consiglio per i Radio VIBERS
Celebrare la diversità degli intervistati, i legami con l'Italia, i punti di vista non convenzionali.
Podcast sponsored by Migrant Centre NI’s LAVA Project, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund
Useful links | Link utili: on YouTube
with Italian subtitles!
Sanjay Ghosh
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Sanjay Ghosh
Luogo: Belfast, Irlanda del Nord
An Indian man who’s lived in Belfast for the past sixteen years. Who believes that the three “I”s (India, Ireland and Italy) have a lot of “F”s to share: family, food, fun, folklore. A force of nature who brings the Indian community together by organising walking trips, virtual lunches, meetings with inspirational leaders. The founder of ImageNation NI. Meet Sanjay Ghosh.
Un indiano che vive a Belfast da sedici anni. Che crede che le tre “i” (India, Irlanda e Italia) abbiano tante “f” da condividere: famiglia, cibo (food), divertimento (fun), folklore. Una forza della natura che riunisce la comunità indiana organizzando passeggiate, pranzi virtuali, incontri con leader influenti. Il fondatore di ImageNation NI. Incontriamo Sanjay Ghosh, between a “ciao” and a “namaste”.
Music | Musica:
"Pasqualino Maraja"
Sung and played by Luigi Cirillo
Amongst the many links between Italy and India there is also this song from Domenico Modugno, alias Mr Volare. It tells the very common tale of an Italian boy who follows his love (to India) and makes his fortune by making pizza!
Memorable sentence
“This lockdown has helped people to become more creative. It’s all about creativity.”
Frase memorabile
“Penso che questo lockdown abbia aiutato le persone a diventare più creative. È tutta una questione di creatività.”
Recommendation to Radio VIBERS
Celebrate diversity by dedicating a podcast to every continent represented and reflected among Belfast communities.
Consiglio per i Radio VIBERS
Celebrare la diversità dedicando un podcast a ogni continente rappresentato e riflesso nelle comunità di Belfast.
Podcast sponsored by Migrant Centre NI’s LAVA Project, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund
Useful links | Link utili: on YouTube
with Italian subtitles!
Zee, Alexis Ifeyinwa Ekwueme, Israel Eguaogie
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Zee, Alexis Ifeyinwa Ekwueme, Israel Eguaogie
Luogo: Belfast, Irlanda del Nord
Three friends and colleagues, who left a multicultural island, Nigeria and Germany to come to Northern Ireland. They love the word “amore”, and indeed they put a lot of love in what they do through Iassist NI, their organisation. Fighting prejudice and racism, overcoming language barriers and getting used to meeting good and bad people: all this to bring a smile to those who need it. Meet Zee, Alexis Ifeyinwa Ekwueme and Israel Eguaogie, to understand the importance of the simplest ever question: “How are you?”.
Tre amici e colleghi, che hanno lasciato un'isola multiculturale, la Nigeria e la Germania, per venire in Irlanda del Nord. Amano la parola "amore", e in effetti mettono molto amore in quello che fanno attraverso Iassist NI, la loro organizzazione. Combattono pregiudizi e razzismo, superano le barriere linguistiche e sono abituati a incontrare persone buone e cattive: tutto questo per portare un sorriso a chi ne ha bisogno. Incontriamo Zee, Alexis Ifeyinwa Ekwueme e Israel Eguaogie, per capire l'importanza della domanda più semplice in assoluto: "Come stai?".
Music | Musica:
"Nel blu dipinto di blu (volare)"
Sung and played by Luigi Cirillo
Possibly the most famous Italian song in the world today, mostly known as “Volare”, this song sings the liberation of escaping reality through the illusion of a dream. It is also the first Italian word mentioned by our interviewees!
Memorable sentence
“The colour of my skin is my flag. Wherever you find good, you also find bad. I take both.”
Frase memorabile
“Il colore della mia pelle è la mia bandiera. Dovunque tu sia, puoi trovare il bene, ma puoi trovare anche il male. Ma io li accetto entrambi.”
Recommendation to Radio VIBERS
Interview young people and talk about sense of belonging; continue to liaise with diverse people and organisations; create new partnerships, also with Minority Community Network TV.
Consiglio per i Radio VIBERS
Intervistare i giovani e parlare di senso di appartenenza; continuare a mantenere i contatti con persone e organizzazioni diverse; creare nuove partnership, anche con Minority Community Network TV.
Podcast sponsored by Migrant Centre NI’s LAVA Project, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund
Useful links | Link utili: on YouTube
with Italian subtitles!
Lumturi Podrimaj
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Lumturi Podrimaj
Luogo: Belfast, Irlanda del Nord
A first name that means ‘happiness’. An Albanian lady from Kosovo who came to Belfast twenty-six years ago as the first asylum-seeker in Northern Ireland. A former physics teacher who is now a champion of immìgrants’ rights. She is a warrior, and all because of Albanian lullabies. Meet Lumturi Podrimaj.
Un nome che significa "felicità". Una donna albanese del Kosovo arrivata a Belfast ventisei anni fa come prima richiedente asilo dell'Irlanda del Nord. Un ex insegnante di fisica che ora è una paladina dei diritti degli immigrati. È una guerriera, e tutto per colpa delle ninne nanne albanesi. Incontriamo Lumturi Podrimaj.
Music | Musica:
"Moj e bukura more"
Sung and played by Luigi Cirillo
This is an homage to the Arbërësh community, Albanian minority in southern Italy, refugees of the Ottoman Empire who fled to the shores of Italy over 500 years ago. This is also how old the song is singing about the beautiful land of Morea, that can still be seen from the other side of the waters.
Memorable sentence
“When I go for a position, I have to look for something that motivates me, and that means making a change, and it relates to equality and human rights. That keeps me going.”
Frase memorabile
“Quando cerco un nuovo lavoro mi oriento su quelli che mi motivano di più, su un lavoro che può fare la differenza, che abbia a che fare con l’eguaglianza e i diritti umani. È quello che mi fa andare avanti.”
Recommendation to Radio VIBERS
Give to as many NI communities as possible the opportunity to speak; promote services provided by community-based organisations.
Consiglio per i Radio VIBERS
Dare al maggior numero possibile di comunità in Nord Irlanda l'opportunità di far sentire la propria voce; promuovere i servizi forniti da organizzazioni fondate da membri delle comunità.
Podcast sponsored by Migrant Centre NI’s LAVA Project, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund
Useful links | Link utili: on YouTube
with Italian subtitles!
Virginia Mendez
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Virginia Mendez
Luogo: Belfast, Irlanda del Nord
A gender equality champion, an expert speaker, a children's author, the co-founder of The Feminist Shop. Let yourself be challenged by this Spanish feminist based in Belfast.
Una sostenitrice dell'uguaglianza di genere, un’oratrice esperta, un’autrice per bambini, la co-fondatrice di The Feminist Shop. Fatti mettere in discussione da questa femminista spagnola che abita a Belfast.
Music | Musica:
"Almeno tu (nell'universo)"
Sung and played by Luigi Cirillo
Originally composed in 1972, “Almeno tu” is one of the most famous songs of Mia Martini, an Italian singer-songwriter who fought all her life against prejudice. We’ve chosen this song to honour those who face gender prejudice and inequality today.
Memorable sentence
“It’s not until we recognise each other as part of the same changing force, that we will be creating enough strength to change things”
Frase memorabile
"E quando finalmente ci riconosceremo a vicenda come parti della stessa forza che produce cambiamento, saremo forti abbastanza da far cambiare le cose"
Recommendation to Radio VIBERS
Work on intersectionality.
Consiglio per i Radio VIBERS
Lavorare sulla intersezionalità.
Podcast sponsored by Migrant Centre NI’s LAVA Project, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund
Useful links | Link utili: on YouTube
with Italian subtitles!
Giorgos Argyropoulos
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Giorgos Argyropoulos
Luogo: Belfast, Irlanda del Nord
A guy who came to Belfast from ancient Olympia saying: “I’ll stay six months to finish my Masters and then I’ll leave”. And eleven years after is a much-loved, well-respected member of the Greek community. And its Honorary Consul. Meet Giorgos Argyropoulos.
Un ragazzo che è arrivato a Belfast dall'antica Olimpia dicendo: "Resto sei mesi per finire il Master e poi me ne vado". E undici anni dopo è un membro amato e rispettato della comunità greca. E il suo Console Onorario. Incontriamo Giorgos Argyropoulos.
Music | Musica:
Sung and played by Luigi Cirillo
Misilrou is a folk song from Asia Minor, with its origins in the Ottoman Empire. Arabic, Greek and Jewish musicians have been playing it for centuries. The most iconic version is in Greek language, our small gift to the Greek Consul.
Memorable sentence
“We find it very impressive that strangers who have no idea who you are would talk to you, without expecting anything. It wouldn’t happen back in Greece. They would think you’re a weirdo!”
Frase memorabile
“Mi ha colpito molto il fatto che la gente ti rivolga la parola pur non conoscendoti e senza aspettarsi niente da te. Questo non succederebbe mai in Grecia. Penserebbero che sei uno strano!”
Recommendation to Radio VIBERS
Organise a Radio VIBE face-to-face event to boost networking.
Consiglio per i Radio VIBERS
Organizzare un evento Radio VIBE in presenza, per permettere alle persone di incontrarsi.
Podcast sponsored by Migrant Centre NI’s LAVA Project, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund
Useful links | Link utili: